Iron Maiden u BG-u

Iron Maiden have added a concert at the Belgrade Arena on Tuesday 10th February on their way to Dubai on Ed Force One. Says manager Rod Smallwood, “We weren’t able to get to Serbia in ’08 so thought we should call in on our way East. When we last played a couple of years ago it was an incredible show with fans coming in on buses from all over the Balkans and we very much look forward to returning”

Tickets go on sale to the public on 11th December and we have made arrangements for a special pre-sale for fan club members on the 10th December. We also hope to run a ‘FIRST TO THE BARRIER’ draw for the show.

Note: It is unlikely that any other concerts will be added prior to Belgrade, making it the final European show of the ‘Somewhere Back in Time Tour’.

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Iron Maiden u BG-u, Beogradska Arena, Beograd

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