Kurt Opsahl (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

Freedom of Expression, Copyright and the Internet
Kurt Opsahl is a Senior Staff Attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation focusing on civil liberties, free speech and privacy law.

Before joining EFF, Opsahl worked at Perkins Coie, where he represented technology clients with respect to intellectual property, privacy, defamation, and other online liability matters. For his work responding to government subpoenas, Opsahl is proud to have been called a “rabid dog” by the Department of Justice. On the other hand, in 2007, he was awarded the prestigious California Lawyer of the Year (CLAY) Award for Media Law. Opsahl was a research fellow at the U.C. Berkley School of Information. He co-authored “Electronic Media and Privacy Law Handbook.”

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  1. ShareConference pre skoro 14 godine:

    Nova verzija opisa.
  2. ShareConference pre skoro 14 godine:

    Mesto: Dom OmladineDoma Omladine - Amerikana

  3. ShareConference pre skoro 14 godine:

    Vreme početka: 08 Apr 12:45 → 08 Apr 15:45

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Kurt Opsahl  (Electronic Frontier Foundation), Doma Omladine - Amerikana, Beograd

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