Does It Offend You, Yeah?

Having just finished recording the new album, the Britsh electronic rock band “Does It Offend You, Yeah?” are set to kick-off a major tour.

Some have compared them to dance acts like Daft Punk, Justice and Digitalism. The group is known for its raucous live shows, which often end with stage diving and broken instruments.

“Does It Offend You, Yeah?” are the most uncompromising, angry, passionate and dedicated-to-the-cause band in the UK right now.

Fusing their signature sound with a new sense of stylistic adventure and synthetic violence all their own, DIOY,Y?’s new album “Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You” promises to be one of 2011’s most inventive, yet surprisingly accessible, assaults on the senses.

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Does It Offend You, Yeah?, Dom Omladine, Beograd

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