CODE 09 - Copenhagen Design

What happens when design classics and today’s most innovative ideas and trends meet? Introducing CODE – the first­ Nordic design fair ever and the perfect opportunity to display your products and gain maximum attention. CODE stands for COpenhagen DEsign and is the Nordic’s new venue for ultimate trends within the arena of design, furniture, interior, lighting, textile and technology. This is where you will find inspiration and experience what is going on in today’s world of design.
Located in Copenhagen, the fair will be an important part of Denmark’s first international design week. Copenhagen will be devoted to design and attract the world’s attention, for example with the exhibition and presentation of the most prestigious international design award INDEX:. The design week will be heavily marketed and thus ensure a large number of relevant visitors. CODE has His Royal Highness Prince Frederik as patron.CODE09 will take place in Bella Center, Copenhagen, the 27th – 30th of August 2009.To learn more about Bella Center – please go to

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CODE 09 - Copenhagen Design , Bella Center, Copenhagen

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