Jon1st x DMC World Champion x KC Grad

Subota 14. decembar 2013.
Kulturni centar Grad

Jon1st (DMC World Champion) – UK

DJ Iron
Phillie P & Jackie D
Necone & Rasheed

Through his unrivalled technical ability and up front track selections, Jon 1st has quickly built his reputation as a ‘DJ’s DJ’. A studious and intuitive selector of real quality, he captures the crowd with ease through his upbeat selection of tracks, crossing various tempos and styles across the alternative electronic music spectrum. All the while incorporating breath taking technical skills developed through his background as a World-DMC-title-winning turntablist but never breaking the flow of his mixes and always keeping the dance floor moving.

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Jon1st x DMC World Champion x KC Grad, KC Grad, Beograd

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